Update: Kerferd Rd bike lane August 2023

The Shrine to Sea project is starting consultation on their (much downgraded) masterplan, with the bike lane removed.  

Also, this Wednesday, the Port Phillip Council is deciding on what their position will be.   They have identified 3 options:  1. advocating for no bike lane, 2. advocating for the protected bike lane, or 3. advocating for a bike path in the median strip.  The report before council  clearly lays out that Option 1 does not address the significant safety issues already existing on the corridor, and Option 3 will lead to more substantial traffic disruptions.    On the other hand, Option 2 is consistent with achieving a more sustainable city, with liveable streets for everyone to enjoy. 

Despite the clear path forward here, I expect some Councillors to continue to amplify the scare campaign run by a small number of residents.   

Please come to Council this Wednesday 16th August (either in person or online) to make a short statement about how the bike lane would be good for you.   To do this, fill in the Request to Speak form by 4pm Wednesday, for agenda item 10.1.  If you don't feel comfortable speaking, your presence in support would be wonderful.   The meeting is at St Kilda Town Hall, 6.30pm.  Public comment is at the beginning, so you should be finished by 7.30pm.    

And if not, you can write to your local councillors--- email addresses are here. 

Separate to Council, the Vic Government is consulting on their draft masterplan (the one that had the bike lanes removed). To ask for their reinstatement— please fill in the survey at https://engage.vic.gov.au/shrinetosea.

Update: the outcome of the August council meeting was that the Council decided not to support the protected bike lane on Kerferd Rd. Voting for this were Cunsolo, Clarke, Sirakoff, Bond, Pearl. Supporting the protected bike lane were Baxter, Nyaguy, Martin, Crawford.